Revenue Focused Business Growth Services
We Will Help You Grow
& Manage Your Business
Looking for a Technical and Financial Consultant?
About us
Pelican Caravel Group
In the Pelican Caravel Group, we believe that the human factor is key and a central factor to achieve your desired results.
Our capacity of integrating the technical and financial components of any project into the human factor is the foundation of our Group.
The empathy with all levels of the organization of our clients, their trust in us, and our work ethic and rigor are the cornerstones of our company.
The Pelican Caravel Group is divided into two arms: Pelican Consulting and Caravel Asset Management.
Pelican Consulting
is our division for the process industry (biofuels, oils & fats and biochemicals) providing the following services:
Caravel Asset Management
is the group division for Investment Advice, Assets Procurement, M&A, Financial and Tax advice and related instruments providing the following services:
Technical consulting
- Equipment design / procurement
- Process design / technology assessment (new refineries/factories)
- Revamps
- Feasibility analysis (techno-economical)
Real estate
- Procurement of desired asset (Residential / Commercial & Logistics / Industrial / Hospitality / and others)
- Management services (rents, maintenance, vacancies, etc.)
- Renovations projects management (contractor, designer, other suppliers)
- Legal support for GV application, purchasing or another related subject required
- Revenue taxes optimization
- Fiscal and Accounting services and advisory
- Oils & Fats procurement and trading
- Suppliers/Buyers Brokerage
- New markets penetration
Financial Instruments
- Portfolio management (SAA, TAA, Risk Analysis)
- Investment management / Wealth management
- Companies acquisition / merging
- Investment analysis in companies and start-ups
We look forward to doing great things with you anywhere in the world.
Our Services
Why choose us
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Morbi tincidunt erat dictum, sagittis tellus vel, ullamcorper nulla. Cras bibendum porta dignissim. Ut sagittis blandit ullamcorper. Morbi efficitur, diam vitae posuere sagittis, justo urna maximus justo, quis finibus velit mi ac quam.
Morbi tincidunt erat dictum, sagittis tellus vel, ullamcorper nulla. Cras bibendum porta dignissim. Ut sagittis blandit ullamcorper. Morbi efficitur, diam vitae posuere sagittis, justo urna maximus justo, quis finibus velit mi ac quam.